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Session types

We all do the ATBC 2021!


Panel Discussions

  • Discussions around key conference topics

  • 4 speakers per session 


Keynote Lectures

  • Discussions around key conference topics

  • 1 speaker per session 

  • The goal is to introduce hot topics that are currently not fully covered by the ATBC


•4 speakers per session (40 min of presentations and 20 of discussion)

•Encourage synthesis papers

Lightning / Poster Contributions

  • Open call

  • Sessions will combine posters on related topics

  • Gentry Award for the best Student Poster

Video Contributions

  • Open call

  • To be presented at the website of the meeting and at different moments along the meeting

  • ATBC Video Contest: Success Stories in Tropical Biology & Conservation

Social Activities

  • Trivia nights

  • Games

  • Scientific café

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