Virtual Meeting
Call for abstracts
Ligthning talks and accepted symposia
Extended deadline for submissions: May 15th, 2021
The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) will be held virtually from 21st–23rd July 2021. The meeting's theme "Lessons, advances, and opportunities in the face of global change" opens the opportunity for researchers, decision-makers, practitioners, and community leaders from around the world to exchange knowledge on tropical biodiversity and conservation.
The Organizing Committee invites members of the ATBC Community to submit abstracts for accepted symposia presentations and lightning talks for the ATBC 2021 Virtual Meeting.
Abstracts are encouraged to present recent research (e.g., work that has not been published or presented at previous ATBC meetings) that addresses the meeting theme and respective sub-themes.
The extended deadline for abstract submissions is May 15th, 2021. Presenters will be notified of the committee's decision by May 25th, 2021.
All abstracts must be submitted here using the ATBC user profile or creating a new profile in the case of first-time users.
The word limit in the body of the abstract is 400.
The abstract must be prepared in English and contain the following sections:
Introduction / Background / Justification
All abstracts will be evaluated and scored by reviewers selected by the ATBC 2021 Organizing Committee. The Organizing Committee may accept, decline, or offer an opportunity for a revised abstract submission. Proposals will be assessed using the following criteria:
• Scientific merit: Likelihood of promoting a significant advancement in our understanding of tropical biology and conservation, innovative or interdisciplinary approaches, or likelihood of novel conceptual synthesis.
• Broader impacts: Integration of science with conservation issues, impact on policy, and potential utility for conservation, among others.
• Appeal to participants of ATBC 2021: Sessions should target topics that will be of general interest to the ATBC community.
• Relevance to the meeting's theme: Sessions should target topics that are relevant to the meeting’s theme "Lessons, advances, and opportunities in the face of global change" and respective sub-themes.
Note that the ‘one presentation’ rule will be applied to all speakers at ATBC 2021. In other words, meeting participants will only be allowed to make a single presentation during the virtual meeting. Participants can co-author multiple abstracts, as long as the main presenter is different.
Once an abstract is accepted, speakers will be required to submit a pre-recorded talk in mp4 video format by July 5th, 2021.
For accepted symposia symposium presentations, videos should not be longer than 10 minutes. For lightning talks, videos should not be longer than 5 minutes. Longer videos will not be accepted.
Videos will be broadcasted during the ATBC 2021 Annual Meeting and will be stored at the conference platform for future reproductions by delegates.
Lightning talks may be accompanied either by a poster or a short slide presentation.
Speakers are free to record their videos with any software they feel comfortable with as long as the videos can be saved in mp4 format. We recommend using either Microsoft PowerPoint or Zoom for the video recordings. Additional instructions for the video recordings are provided in Appendix 1.
It is disruptive for the meeting program to have accepted sessions canceled. Accordingly, please submit an abstract only if you are willing to fulfill your responsibility as a presenter.
If a symposium speaker is faced with unforeseen circumstances and needs to cancel their participation, the participant should notify the co-organizers immediately so a replacement can be assigned. The replacement participant name and information must be sent to the Organizing Committee at
If a lightning talk presenter is faced with unforeseen circumstances and needs to cancel their participation, the participant should notify the Organizing Committee at
All participants and session organizers must register to the ATBC 2021 Virtual Meeting and cover the associated registration fees.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Organizing Committee via email ( with any questions or concerns.
We look forward to seeing you at the Virtual ATBC 2021 Meeting!
ATBC 2021 Organizing Committee
10th February 2021
Open: Call for Symposium proposals & Open Format Sessions
10th March 2021
Close: Call for Symposium proposals & Open Format Sessions
15th March 2021
Open: Meeting Registration
20th March 2021
Notification of symposium proposal acceptance
15th April 2021
Deadline for abstract submission for symposia.
15th May 2021
Notification of abstract acceptance for symposia.
30th May 2021
Close meeting registration
5th June 2021
Open submission of pre-recorded talks
5th July 2021
Close submission of pre-recorded talks
21st- 23rd July 2021
ATBC 2021 Virtual Meeting